Slimbridge - Wetland Heroes


Wetland Heroes is an interactive mobile experience that encourages visitors to explore the full extent of the Slimbridge site through fact-finding missions and fun challenges that can be played by the whole family.

Capturing the rich and varied wildlife at Slimbridge through beautiful illustrations inspired by wetland hero species such as the flamingo, kingfisher, otter or swan, the app offers visitors a digital guide with markers around the site that connect the real world with the digital, providing a deeper understanding and connection to the wildlife.

Chloe Barraclough, Interactive Producer at Aardman, explains: “The Aardman team were lucky enough to visit Slimbridge numerous times as part of this partnership and were wowed by the variety of wildlife that live there. We designed this app to encourage visitors to discover these ‘wow’ moments, and through completing fact-finding challenges, guide them to discover the less explored areas of the site.” Gary Haseley-Nejrup, General Manager for WWT Slimbridge, says: “We were keen to offer a new digital enhancement to our visitor experience.

As families explore Slimbridge they can work together to delve deeper into the different wetland challenges to truly discover the secrets of Slimbridge and the wetland wildlife that live and visit here. The Slimbridge 75 project, funded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund, has been crucial to this new development to our visitor experience offer.

This funding has enabled us to work with Aardman to build an app that enhances the outdoor space and engagement of the site. Aardman have been fantastic to work with as they have understood the value of nature engagement for families.”


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