Adventures of ArachnoFly is a 2D animated spin-off of the studio’s popular CGI Lloyd of the Flies series, available to watch on YouTube.
Is it a fly? Is it a spider? No, it’s the half-fly half-spider comicbook hero known as ArachnoFly! Adventures of ArachnoFly follows the exploits of Lloyd’s favourite comicbook hero as he patrols Cereal City looking for crime to stop or prevent.
Each episode delves into an issue of the ArachnoFly comic as read and interpreted by Lloyd, Abacus, and sometimes PB (if Lloyd will let her). With Lloyd filling the role of ArachnoFly, Abacus providing his own spin on evil nemesis Bird-Bee, and PB drawing herself in as wannabe sidekick Pea-Bean, the adventures are a silly meta mix of the witty dialogue and slapstick comedy of Lloyd of the Flies with playful breaking of the fourth wall and amplified absurdity.
ArachnoFly is voiced by Lloyd (Tom Rosenthal) Bird-Bee is voice by Abacus (Alex Lawther) and Pea-Bean is voiced by PB (Lauren Patel).
Adventures of ArachnoFly is created and written by Matthew Walker, who also created Lloyd of the Flies, and is directed by Lloyd of the Flies Co-Director Jane Davies.

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